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国際ダンス映画祭2021 オンライン配信


4分33秒を3回: 一人のアーティストと一脚の椅子へのオマージュ

監督・編集 ダフナ・メロ
[イスラエル 2018]

4'33'' Times Three: Homage to an Artist and a Chair

Director and editor:Daphna Mero
[Israel 2018]

A film by Daphna Mero
Director and editor: Daphna Mero
Producers: Yael Mero and Daphna Mero
Cinematography: Daniel Bar
Original Music and Sound Design: Lior Pinsky
With Amos Hetz
(4.33 was composed and performed by Amos Hetz at the 2013 'Room Dances' festival.Parts of this piece were performed in the film by the artist himself)


Daphna Mero
Daphna Mero is a film director, choreographer and a professional dancer. 
She holds a B.Dance from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, a film diploma from Minshar for Art, Tel-Aviv and MFA in Film/Video from MassArt, Boston. Her work draws inspiration from locations, spaces, and sites. They deal with the human experience via a novel medium, which incorporates visual art and dance. Her short experimental films have been screened in film festivals around the world, and she has won many awards and prizes for her work.


私はアモス・ヘッツ教授と彼の芸術を深く尊敬しています。この映画は彼の「動作作曲 4分33秒」(2015)へのオマージュなのです。

A Mail Questionnair to Dance Film Directors

Interviewer : Mizuhito Kuroda
The film was a very fine documentary, introducing the mind of an experienced dancer carefully. I felt his dance was more of a practice than an entertainment for the audience. As a dancer and a choreographer yourself, how did you get to know his dance, and what do you think about his dance and theories?
A:Daphna Mero
Professor Amos Hetz was my mother’s movement and dance notation teacher at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance.
As a teenager and a young dancer, we used to go together to his performances at the "Room Dance festival" which he founded. His minimalistic dance is rooted in the Eshkol-Wachman movement notation and the minimalistic arts' movements of the 60th. It is an abstract dance that is written and choreographed on paper just like a music score. It is usually performed accompanied by a metronome.
Later, in my studies towards my BA in dance I came to know Eshkol-Wachman movement notation better. But being a young, vibrant, and updated dancer that studied classical ballet, modern and contemporary dance, I didn’t feel any connection or interest in this kind of dance. Though I was always impressed by its precision.
Amos' abstract and analytical dances were very far from my dance practices and perceptions of dance. And then I saw the chair-duet. There was a click. I was emotionally moved, intrigued, and fascinated. It was an opportunity for me to meet Amos and hear his thoughts about art, dance, and chairs. Amos gladly shared with me his movement knowledge and Philosophy. We had long talks. They are conveyed in my short film using his minimalistic way of expression.
The next question is for you as a director. I was delighted to see this film to know his personality and not just his dance. His talk was like the 4th dance in the film. How did you interview, film, and edit to show this one person?
A:Daphna Mero
I have great honor to Professor Amos Hetz and his art. Hence the film is an homage to his Movement Composition 4.33 (2015).
As Amos was willing to talk only about the dance, I asked him to write an artist statement and read it aloud to me in front of the camera. I also asked him to explain and demonstrate the 3 parts of the dance. It was a slow interview. I used a set of open questions and let him talk uninterruptedly on what he wanted and as long as he wanted. All along the interview he was the teacher, and I was the attentive dance student. Towards the end of the interview there was an intimate, magical moment. Amos shared with me a childhood memory. 
In the process of shooting the film I looked for a filmic language that will comply with Amos' notion of "a dance form in which movement alone, unaided by any stagecraft, is able to provide an autonomous experience". I chose a minimalistic location that almost looks abstract and framed it in a very precise and geometrical way. I chose natural lighting, which was uncontrolled and accompanied the dance in an improvisational way.
I decided to edit the film in chapters much like Amos' dance. Intertwining dance and talk going from the more analytical to the personal. With respect to his art, I decided to keep the dance part silent. I worked with an experimental musician on creating music for his talk. Thus, the words become part of the musical score of the film and with it a form of 4th dance as you mentioned.




監督:プラクリティ・シャーダ, サガリカ・デブナト
[インド 2020]

Dotted Bodies

Director:Prakriti Sharda, Sagarika Debnath
[India 2020]

Director: Prakriti Sharda, Sagarika Debnath
Cast: Kashish Kalia, Riya Singh, Shankar Rawlley, Prakriti Sharda, Gaurav Rawat, Shankar Rawlley
Dialogues: Kashish Kalia, Prakriti Sharda, Annanyaa Singh, Pragya Kapur







Prakriti Sharda
Sagarika Debnath
What happens when an enthusiastic philosophy major and a bored engineering graduate meet? An accidental film.
Prakriti Sharda aspires to become an art director, while Sagarika Debnath dreams of making films. They spend their evenings at a tiny coffee shop, debating over films, music and zines. What started out as a photo project, evolved into a study of memories and movement.



A Mail Questionnair to Dance Film Directors

Interviewer : Mizuhito Kuroda
Dotted Bodies is such an uncanny piece, fiction and documentary mixed. You cannot tell what to believe and what to doubt. This is the first time I came across such a mystery dance film. Where were you inspired from? How much of this is fiction and how much is documentary?
Dotted Bodies is an amalgamation of accidental discoveries, truths and the power of recreation through dance. The film is a documentary based on a real story, experienced by the dancers in the film. 
We started with a photo project and the aim was to capture how melancholy seeps into our movements; we never intended to make a film at this stage. We were lucky enough to work with some really amazing dancers and during the course of the project and amidst hundreds of conversations, this story came up. The story of these dancers and what they faced, felt and experienced a few years ago on a strange, foreign stage. The story stayed with us, but then again, we never thought we could churn it into a film. It was only later while going through all the footage from our shoots late at three am, spending hours staring into the screen and studying each and every sway of the hand and flicker of the eye, that the two puzzle pieces (the dancers’ story and the same dancers’ movements years later) fell together and we decided to make a film.
The story is basically about a stage performance in the past. It was interesting to see inserted images of living spaces such as the bathroom and everyday items, which made me think about the characters' bodies, but has nothing to do with the main story. Why did you insert these images?
Dancing isn't always an act of joy, and when the artists rehearsed for our shoot, they rehearsed and performed with the belief that their body wasn't their own, but mere vessels guided by the emotions and experiences they feel and live through. During these shoot days, we stumbled across this uncanny yet real story experienced by these same dancers.
Hence, this film was essentially shot first and scripted later on. The images and videos shot indoors, while a dancer goes about their everyday chores, hold testimony to the fact that the otherworldly air and space that engulfed the dancers on stage many years ago, still haunts and echoes their movement. 




振付・ダンス: Api, Alex Archer, Caramelle, Chimera, Cilla, Ember, Eva Berlin, Karmalæon, Linhqu, Ræchy, Roshan, Soy Mamacita, Tee Silky
[オーストラリア 2021]

Club Chrome

Director:Klaus Wang
Founder & Producer:Linhqu
Choreographers/Dancers: Api, Alex Archer, Caramelle, Chimera, Cilla, Ember, Eva Berlin, Karmalæon, Linhqu, Ræchy, Roshan, Soy Mamacita, Tee Silky
[Australia 2021]


Klaus Wan
Klaus Wang is an Australian freelance photographer, video artist and screenwriter concerned with subculture, communities and sexuality. As a member of the LGBT community, he is interested in documenting its various movements and developments, as well as elevating minority voices. He has been pole dancing recreationally for three years and acknowledges sex workers as pioneers of the dance form. You can find more of his work at https://klauswang.format.com/

Photo : Ammar Jamal


クィアのポールダンサー、元ストリッパー。オーストラリア、シドニーを拠点とするポールダンスコレクティブ「クラブ・クローム」創始者。同コレクティブはレズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシャル、トランスジェンダー、クィア、クエスチョニング、インターセックス (LGBTQI+)や黒人、先住民、有色人種(BIPOC)やセックスワーカー(SW)である個人を優先し、パフォーマーは上記のうち一つ以上のアイデンティティを有する。またストリップクラブやセックスワークと連携しながら、パフォーマンスアートとしてのポールダンスとストリップを世に広めている。個人活動として、社会から疎外されたグループがポールダンスを通じて芸術的表現の探求をする場を創出に専念している。クラブ・クロームの活動はこちらでご覧いただけます。https://www.instagram.com/club.chrome/

Founder & Producer
Linhqu is a queer pole dancer and ex-stripper, the founder of Club Chrome, a pole dancing collective based in Sydney, Australia, that prioritises Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, and Intersex (LGBTQI+), Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) and Sex Worker (SW) individuals - performers are one or more of these identities. We celebrate the performance arts of pole dance and tease while embracing the association with strip clubs and sex work. Linhqu is focused on creating space for marginalised groups to explore artistic expression through pole dance. You can follow Club Chrome at https://www.instagram.com/club.chrome/ 


LGBTQI+ やセックスワーカーについての映像のなかにあって『クラブ・クローム』は啓蒙的な内容を強調せず、生の意見と存在感を感じられる臨場感のある作品でした。アイデンティティとしてのダンスに注目した、ダンス映画としても特徴ある作品だと思います。このイベント、または企画に対してこれまでどのような反応がありましたか。

A Mail Questionnair to Dance Film Directors

Interviewer : Mizuhito Kuroda
Of all the films about LGBTQI+ or sex workers, Club Chrome didn't emphasise on edification too much but shows raw opinion and presence of the dancers. I felt it is a distinctive dance film that focuses on dance as an act of identity. Please tell us the reactions from the audience of Club Chrome as an event and/or as a film so far.
This is true that pole dance for us is very intertwined with our identities. I think there are many reasons for this. For example, the physically demanding and challenging nature of the training, which, once it has reached a more advanced level, could be comparable to gymnasts and aerialists. The time and dedication to do this becomes a lifestyle. Then, for all of us, society puts pressure on us, as we aren't the norm in society - as dancers in our collective are either people of colour, queer or/and sex workers. Then, the dance becomes a way for us to explore and express ourselves more freely, and escape the binds of society, where we may have to play certain roles. This combined with an open celebration of the sexual nature and history of pole dance, it's very powerful. The film captures the spirit and uniqueness of all the dancers involved. Furthermore, the audience is from different groups that may not normally mix together; yet somehow we find we have more in common than we realise, and we can see the power in the performances and enjoy it. There is a demand for events like these, as more people are drawn to training pole dance but do not have opportunities to perform their own creative piece. There are mainly pole competitions that are largely graded by athletic ability and competence.
Our festival is mainly viewed by people who are interested in contemporary dance and modern dance. What is your opinion on the difference between this kind of dance and pole dancing? One of the interviewees talked about the importance of being naked on stage. What do you think is the difference between a contemporary or modern dancer being naked on stage and a pole dancer being naked on stage?
This is definitely a big debate. There are those who would like to separate pole from its roots, those that practice only contemporary style pole. However, I do think there is something special about the way dance is used in strip clubs, it is entirely improvised and an intimate dialogue between the audience and the viewer. It explores the body as a medium for fantasy, intrigue, sensuality and power. These explorations that revolve around the symbolism of the pole and the expression of sexuality can be disturbing for people. But it shouldn't be, because it is a natural part of being human.
Even within sensual and stripper influenced styles of pole dancing, there are sub-styles that are constantly growing and changing, and merging with contemporary dance styles. Because it is not accepted by the mainstream, it is able to continue evolving in a fascinating way.