DMJ国際ダンス映画祭 2015

A Mail Questionnair to Dance Film Directors



The annual International Dance Film Festival screens the selected dance films by the festival curator out of over 150 entries from around the world. Here, we asked some questions to directors who created the selected dance films. What made you make this film? Meaning of the title? Where did you film this picture? Who is this dancer? etc. A Q&A good to read both before and after you see the films.

Questions and translation by Mizuhito KURODA

シンク オア スイム

監督 Michiel Vaanhold


Michiel Vaanhold : 私は文化心理とドキュメンタリー映画製作についての教育を受けました。2007年の卒業後、学んだ2つの領域を融合しながらフィクションとドキュメンタリーの映画作品を作っています。
数年前にフィンランドの振付師 Jaakko Toivonen にダンス映画の製作を持ちかけられ、できあがったのが「シンク オア スイム」です。以来、ダンス映画に特別の関心があります。


Michiel Vaanhold : 撮影はロッテルダムの中心にあるTropicanaという放棄されたプール施設で行いました。私がこの場所ついて特に気に入っているのは、その造られた自然です。ただし使用されなくなって数年が経ったいま、この場所は再び本物の自然に覆われています。セメントの亀裂からはツタが生え、雨風がその爪あとを残していて、私たちの作品にピッタリな場所でした。プール施設にいる2人のメインキャラクターは、すぐに自分たちが錆びれ果てた場所にいることに気づきます。そこは文明がなくなってしまったかのようで、新たな秩序を見いださなければいけないように思えるのです。


Michiel Vaanhold : 彼らはプロではありませんが踊ることにとても意欲的です。 So you think you can dance(※訳者註 アメリカのダンスオーディション番組「アメリカン・ダンスアイドル」)のような番組が人気なのも手伝って、沢山の男の子がダンスという芸術表現を始めています。配役決めにあたっては、国中から集まった60人ほどの男の子と会いました。実は、私は彼らがプロではないというところが気に入っています。彼らのミスが動きに真実味を持たせているのです。


Michiel Vaanhold : 泳ぎの動作からとった動きはほんの少しです。振り付けは sink or swim (※訳者註 シンク・オア・スイム。泳ぐか沈むか。)という慣用句の、失敗したくなければ適合しろという意味をイメージして作られています。


Michiel Vaanhold : 私が子供時代について思い出すのは、どこかのグループに属していないといけなかったこと。しかも他人に認めてもらうためには、自分がイケてるということを示す必要があった。それは誰かを仲間はずれにするということでもあります。すると、自分自身や友達のことを簡単に見失ってしまうのです。
殆どの人が経験することですが、「シンク オア スイム」ではこれが命にかかわる事態に発展します。


Sink or Swim

Director Michiel Vaanhold

Please tell us about you, and what kind of pieces you have made in the past.

Michiel Vaanhold : I had an education in Cultural Psychology and Documentary Filmmaking. Since my graduation in 2007 I have combined the two fields in both fiction and documentary films.
A few years ago, I was approached by the Finnish choreographer Jaakko Toivonen to make a dancefilm together. Sink or Swim is the result of that. Since then, I have a special interest in dancefilms.

The location was very impressive. Tell us about the place.

Michiel Vaanhold : We filmed in an abandoned swimming pool, the 'Tropicana', in the centre of Rotterdam. What I very much like about this place is that it's a forged nature. Now that it hasn't been used for a couple of years, the real nature takes over once again. Weeds are growing between the cracks in the cement, the weather has left its traces in the building. It was the perfect setting for our film. Starting out in a swimming pool our two main characters find themselves all at once in this abandoned place where all culture seems to be gone and a new equilibrium needs to be found.

The casts were all young boys, dancing very openly and pleasantly. Are they professional dancers? How did you find them?

Michiel Vaanhold : They are not professionals but are just very eager to dance. Since programms like 'So you think you can dance' have become popular, more and more boys have taken up this artform. In our casting, we have seen about 60 boys coming from different parts of the country. I actually like the fact that they are not professional. In my view their mistakes add to the realness of the performance.

I noticed the word 'swim' is in the title. Were the choreography made from swimming moves?

Michiel Vaanhold : There are only a few references to swimming moves. It alludes more to the saying 'sink or swim' which states that you have to adapt in order not to fail.

I remembered how things were in my boyhood watching your film. Do the images origin in your own childhood or do they come from another place?

Michiel Vaanhold : From my childhood I remember that there was a need to belong to a group. But to be accepted by the others you had to show that you are cool. It also involves excluding others. In doing so, it's easy to loose sight of yourself and your friends.
In 'Sink or Swim' this process that happens to most of us is enlarged to a lifethreatening situation.