DMJ国際ダンス映画祭 2015

A Mail Questionnair to Dance Film Directors



The annual International Dance Film Festival screens the selected dance films by the festival curator out of over 150 entries from around the world. Here, we asked some questions to directors who created the selected dance films. What made you make this film? Meaning of the title? Where did you film this picture? Who is this dancer? etc. A Q&A good to read both before and after you see the films.

Questions and translation by Mizuhito KURODA


監督 Xabier Iriondo


Xabier Iriondo: ずっと低予算の映画を撮ってきました。そのほとんどがドキュメンタリーか、田中泯さんと作った「Field」という作品(私の仕事のうち一番重要なものです)のようなお話のないノンフィクションの短編です。
「ホーミング」は私にとって最初のフィクション映画であり、最も商業的な作品になりました。FilmotiveのIñaki Sagastumeのようなプロデューサーと仕事をしたことは今までになく、彼の力なしにはあり得ない企画でした。


Xabier Iriondo: 衣装デザイナーがいなかったので、振付家のMarina Mascarellと相談して現実的に決めていきました。快適に踊れる、Navarra(※訳者註 ナバラ。スペイン北部の地域。)の森や土地で見かけるような色彩の服が必要だということになりました。ただ、メインキャラクターには青いドレスが欲しかった。彼女は森に属さないからです。靴も他とは違っています。


Xabier Iriondo: 天然の光と音が欲しかったので、音や視覚のエフェクトは何も使っていません。ロケーションも非常に大事で、その点われわれは幸運でした。冒頭のシーンに霧が欲しかったとき、ちょうどかかっていました。ソロシーンにも霧雨が欲しかったのですが、それも降っていました。努力と運ですね。Iñakiは土地を誰よりもよく知っていました。
録音は必ずカメラと同じ位置で行いました。重要なのはダンサーがカメラに近づく時に、彼らの音に耳を澄ませることです。撮影場所の静寂はFernando Aguirreが自然な音を取るのを助けてくれました。 Iñigo Ugarteburuの音楽やIosu Gonzalezの音の調整は、この率直で自然な録音を尊重してくれました。


Xabier Iriondo: あれは即興ではありません。力強さと早さを重視した森を駆け抜けるパート以外に、即興はしていません。Marinaは撮影前にスタジオでダンサー達と稽古を重ねていました。テイクはどれも一、二度です。たまに三度のものもありました。


Xabier Iriondo: 私のガールフレンドのAndreaがこのタイトルを思いついてくれました。森から街に移る女の子について作品をつくるつもりだと私が言うと、彼女は動物が産まれた場所に戻ってくる現象である帰巣本能、ホーミングについて教えてくれました。自分は海と山に囲まれたZarautzで育ちましたが、今は騒音と公害でいっぱいのマドリッドで暮らしています。自分がどこに属するのか、まだよくわからないんです。



Director Xabier Iriondo

Please tell us about you, and what kind of films you have made in the past.

Xabier Iriondo: I have always shooted low budget films, usually documentaries or non narrative and non fiction little films, like Field, with Min Tanaka (the most special project I`ve ever done).
Homing is my first fiction film, the most comercial project. It`s the first time I have worked with a producer, Iñaki Sagastume from Filmotive, and it would have been impossible to make it with out his great work.
All my projects are very different. There is not a formal connection from one to another. Maybe my interest in the relationship between nature and city.

I was impressed by the costumes. The moves weren't that of every day life, but I thought some costumes the performers wore gave a casual impression. How do you plan the costumes?

Xabier Iriondo: I talked with Marina Mascarell, the choreographer, and, since we didn´t have a costume designer, we made a practical decision. We needed confortable clothings for dancing and also colors that you could find in the woods and landscape of Navarra. However, for the main character, I wanted a blue dress. She does`t belong to those woods. She also wears different shoes.

I could feel the smell of the air or the breaths of the performers inside the film strongly. Is there anything you do to have those effects?

Xabier Iriondo: We wanted natural light and sound. We didn`t use any sound or visual effects. The locations were very important and we got lucky. We needed fog for the beginning and we found it, we wanted fine drizzle for the solo and we also found it… work and luck. Iñaki knows the area better than anybody.
The idea for the sound was to register it always from the camera´s point of view. It was important to listen to the dancers as they were getting closer to the camera. The great silence of the locations helped Fernando Aguirre to get a natural sound. Iñigo Ugarteburu`s soundtrack and Iosu Gonzalez`s final mixes respected this direct natural sound.

There are some scenes that the dancers touch each other and move like they are playful animals. Are those moves a total improvisation? How much takes did you do in those scenes?

Xabier Iriondo: There was not improvisation. Except for the sequence were they run through the woods, where we tried to get his strength and speed, we did`t improvise. Marina worked a lot with the dancers at the studio before the shooting. We made one or two takes for each dancing scene, maybe three.
We made more takes for the non dancing scenes, the transitions between choreographys. Carolina and the camera needed to understand each other. Little by little we made it and I think she looks natural and pretty.

The title 'Homing', stirs our imagination. Does the word mean home as in the word home-town? What kind of place was the land you grew up in?

Xabier Iriondo: My girlfriend Andrea came up with the title. I told her that I wanted to shoot a girl moving from the woods to the city. She told me about a word describing the instinct that some animals have to come back to their birthplace, the homing instinct. I grew up in Zarautz, a town surrounded by the ocean and mountains but I live in Madrid, a big noisy city full of pollution. I don`t know yet where I belong.