DMJ国際ダンス映画祭 2015

A Mail Questionnair to Dance Film Directors



The annual International Dance Film Festival screens the selected dance films by the festival curator out of over 150 entries from around the world. Here, we asked some questions to directors who created the selected dance films. What made you make this film? Meaning of the title? Where did you film this picture? Who is this dancer? etc. A Q&A good to read both before and after you see the films.

Questions and translation by Mizuhito KURODA


監督 Camiel Zwart


Camiel Zwart : アムステルダムのDutch film academyで映画監督になる勉強をしました。主にドキュメンタリー映画を作製していますが、ダンス映画を撮るのも好きです。最新のドキュメンタリー映画は金鉱夫として老いていくこと、最新のダンス映画は路地で人に会うことをテーマに作りました。身近で、感動的、たまに笑えるようなものを作るのが好きです。


Camiel Zwart : それは意外です。4年前に滞在したとき、私は日本の国と人に惚れ込みました。確かに西欧式のライフスタイルが日本にはありましたが、それはヨーロッパのスタイルとはずいぶん違います。私が初めて車掌さんを見たとき、彼らが緻密な、まるでダンスのような動きで人々と電車を動かしていることに驚きました。その瞬間、車掌さんについてのダンス映画を作ろうと決めました。当初はドキュメンタリー形式のダンス映画を考えていましたが、最終的にはこのようなフィクションとして完成しました。


Camiel Zwart : ヨーロッパでは13という数字はとても不吉な数とされていて、13階のないビルや13番線ホームのない駅は珍しくありません。このタイトルを選んだのは、作中でメインキャラクターが存在しないはずの場所に閉じ込められてしまうからです。


Camiel Zwart : 実は撮影場所はどれも日本ではないのですが、あなたがそう言ってくれるのは願ってもないことです。というのも私たちには日本に行くだけの資金がなかったので、オランダに日本を作ったのです。幸い、ロッテルダムにある日本そっくりの素敵な駅を見つけられました。もちろん壁の掲示物をすべて取り替えたり、黄色い線を床に敷かなくてはなりませんでした。スーパーヒーロー風の、マンガ的なシーンのためにロッテルダムの駅をLEDライトの明るい色で照らしました。不思議なトンネルは同じ駅にありました。古い放置された駅に関しては別の話が。私たちはオランダ全土とドイツの一部を探しましたが、いい場所は見つかりませんでした。とうとう作中で使ったこの駅をベルギーで見つけ、恋に落ちました。メインキャラクターや、何もかもが清潔で整った日本の駅とは真逆の印象を持った駅を見つけたかったのです。

日本の観客はどのように作品を受け止めると思いますか? 西洋の観客とは反応は違うと思いますか?

Camiel Zwart : 日本でこの映画を公開できることをとても嬉しく思っています。なぜなら私たちはヨーロッパの作家で、どうしてもヨーロッパの眼を通じてしか日本を描けないからです。作中の表現に失礼がなく、日本の皆さんに気に入ってもらえたらと思っています。将来、日本でこの映画を見てその反応を知る事ができたら幸いです。



Director Camiel Zwart

Please tell us about you, and what kind of pieces you have made in the past.

Camiel Zwart : My name is Camiel Zwart, I studied directing on the Dutch film academy in Amsterdam. I manly work on documentary films but I also love to make dance films. The last documentary I made was about ageing as a goldmine and my last dance film was about meeting in a alley. I like to make films that are intimate, touching and sometime funny.

Train conductors are thought to be very businesslike in Japan, one of the last people you'd expect to start acting strangely. How and why did you come up with this moving train conductor?

Camiel Zwart : Thats funny to hear. I was in Japan 4 years ago and really fell in love with the country and the people. Even though you have a western life style it is a lot different from what we know in Europe. When I saw the train conductors for the first time I was amazed by there precision and almost dance like movement that look like they could control trains and people. That instant I decided that I would love to make a dance film about these conductors! First I thought of going back and making a documentary style dance film but in the end it became this fiction film.

Please tell us the meaning of the title. Is 13 used as an unlucky number?

Camiel Zwart : In Europe the number 13 is very unlucky number and therefore you often have buildings that has no 13th floor or train stations that do not have a platform 13. I choose this name because the main character gets stuck in a place that does not exist.

You have used several locations. I could tell that some are in Japan and some not. Could you tell us where they are, and how you chose them?

Camiel Zwart : Well actually none of the locations where in Japan, but its a compliment that you thought so. We had no money to flight to Japan, so we had to build Japan in Holland. Luckily we found a very nice station in Rotterdam that looked like a Japanese one. Of course we had to change al the writing on the walls and put down the yellow line on the ground. For the superhero, manga like scene we lighted the Rotterdam station with led lights in very bright colors. The strange tunnel was also on the same location. The old abandoned station was another story. We searched the hole of Holland and a bit of Germany, but we could not find what we where looking for. In the end we found this station in Belgium and fell in love with it. We wanted to have a station that was the opposite of our main character and the Japanese station where everything was clean and pure.

How do you think the Japanese audience will think of the film? Do you guess the reactions would be different from that of the Western audience?

Camiel Zwart : I am very excited to show the film in Japan, because we are European makers we can only show Japan trough our european eyes. I can only hope that we did your culture justice and that the Japanese people will like the film. I hope that I would be able to see the film in Japan in the future and hear the reactions