A Mail Questionnair to Dance Film Directors



The annual International Dance Film Festival screens the selected dance films by the festival curator out of over 150 entries from around the world. Here, we asked some questions to directors who created the selected dance films. What made you make this film? Meaning of the title? Where did you film this picture? Who is this dancer? etc. A Q&A good to read both before and after you see the films.

Questions and translation by Mizuhito KURODA


監督 菅野将弘




僕達の家族は2011年から2015年の夏までカンボジアに住んでいました。僕自身は1990年から米国留学し、 それ以降アメリカに在住しております。 カンボジアの知り合いに伝統舞踊のカンパニーを運営している方がいらっしゃって、いつかコラボしましょうと話していました。この作品はそれが実ったものです。

踊りについて教えてください。踊りは伝統的に見えましたが、”Season of Migration”という作品がクレジットされていました。新しい振付なのでしょうか。

この踊りの振りはソプリン•シャピロさんというそのカンパニーのクリエイティブ•ディレクターをされているカンボジア人の女性が、 自身がアメリカに移住した 若き頃の苦労と孤独をテーマに創られた作品群からの抜粋です。タ イトルの『マイグレーション』はそこに由来します。


この踊りは『ネアン•ネアック』と言うカンボジアの伝説に現れる半身大蛇の天女の悲しい経験と発見を表現しています。ネアックは好奇心を胸に地上に降りてきたのですが、 自分の尻尾が目立って周りの人間から避けられていることに気づき、自己嫌悪に陥ります。 蛇である半身を憎しみ切り落とそうとも考えるのですが、その時自分の持った美しさと強さを思い出させられるのです。ネアックは自分が授かった蛇である姿を憎まずに愛おしく思うようになります。 そうすると周りの視線や言葉がまったく気にならなくなり、天女としての誇りを取り戻すのです。




Neang Neak

Director : Masahiro Sugano

Please tell us about you, and what kind of films you have made in the past.

I am Sugano, a screen film artist. In the past I have created documentary, fiction, photo animation, short films and more.

I believe this film was produced in Cambodia, but I noticed that the director is Japanese. How did he become a part of the team?

Me and my family have been living in Cambodia from 2011 to 2015. I myself have studied in America from 1990 and lived there since then. There was a friend of mine in Cambodia that runs a traditional dance company, so we were talking of collaborations. And so we became to create this film.

About the choreograph. The dance seems to be quite traditional but it was credited ”Season of Migration”. Is it a newly choreographed piece?

The dance is extracted from a series of choreographic pieces, where the creative director of a traditional dance company, Sophiline Cheam Shapiro a female Cambodian created from the harsh memories of her migration in America. The title “Seasons of Migration” comes from here.

There are people dressed in modern clothing and do not seem to recognize the dancing goddess. Who are they?

The story is based on a Cambodian legend called Neang Neak, where a serpent goddess appears to experience sorrowful moments but lead to a discovery.
Neak was curious enough to come down to the human world, but finds out that her body is different from others, so she feels left out and miserable. She finally thinks of cutting off the serpent half of her body. At that moment, she remembers the beauty and the strength of herself. Neak starts to love herself, all different from the humans. She stops to care about the gazes and words she receives from others, and regain her pride as a goddess.

Colours in the screen keep on changing throughout the film. What does the colours represent?

There are 2 worlds in this film. Upper world and our world. The vivid colouring represents the ideal world of the gods. Other colours, more dull and dim represents sadness and doubt.

Neang Neak (Serpent Goddess)

製作国 カンボジア
分数 3分50秒
制作年 2012年
監督 Masahiro Sugano
振付 Sophiline Cheam Shapiro
作曲 Khmer Arts Ensemble
編集 Masahiro Sugano
ダンサー Keo Kuntearom
プロデューサー Anida Yoeu Ali & John Shapiro